Personal Learning Objectives & Reflections on Learning Procedure Logs


At the beginning of the residency year and prior to the start of each rotation (rotation exceptions noted below) you need to document your personal learning goals and objectives in the one45 “personal learning objective procedure log” and document how you will achieve each goal.   

Personal Learning Objectives and Reflections on Learning are required all rotations with the exception of the following rotations & activities:

  1. General Orientation Week

  2. Clinical Orientation Workshop & Ward Rotation

  3. UBC Summer Academic Sessions

  4. Project Weeks

How to Enter Personal Learning Objectives Into One45 Procedure Log

To do so, go to your personal rotation objectives procedure log and click “create new log entry”.  Select the rotation that the log entry will pertain to.  To enter personal learning goals and objectives of the overall residency program, select “R Year” as the rotation from the list.  It is important to complete and submit the personal learning objective log before the rotation, as this document will be forwarded to the preceptor for this rotation for sign off.   The preceptor and resident will review these objectives with the resident on the first day of the resident's rotation.  The preceptor and resident will seek out opportunities for the resident to achieve these objectives during the rotation.  In creating personal rotation objectives, the resident should reflect on progress and experiences in the residency to date. Include areas of focus for both knowledge and skill development.


Reflection is an important component of learning and is also important in the development of professionals, including pharmacists.  You may reflect on experiences you’ve had with patients, discussions you’ve had with preceptors or your fellow residents, or the “a-ha moments” that you’ve had in your independent study. Reflect on why the learning experience was significant, and how will change your practice.  You may also reflect on any presentations, nursing in-services and journal clubs you presented/facilitated.   Avoid posting any confidential patient information in your reflection.  To document your reflections on learning, go to the procedure log “Reflections on Learning” and click “create new log entry”.  Choose the rotation and preceptor for the rotation you are reflecting on, and make your entry.