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Island Health Residency Program Poster Template 2021
Island Health Residency Program Sample Project Poster 2012

Key Formatting Points

Residency research project results are presented at the annual BC-wide Pharmacy Residency Research Event during the last week of each May.

As representatives of the Island Health Pharmacy Residency Program, residents are expected to use the standardized format featured in the poster template when preparing their project poster.

The Island Health Residency Program Poster Template listed in the table above provides the appropriate color formatting and relative layout. This template will give you an idea of how to organize your poster. You may need to make adjustments based on the needs of your specific project.

Required Headings

1. Introduction/Background
2. Study Objective(s) 
3. Methods (typically specific outcome measures are included in the methods section) 
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion (be sure to address your stated study objective(s))
7. Next Steps or Application to Practice (you may choose to include this separately or as a part of your Conclusion)

Tips for creating a strong poster presentation:

• Project member names written as first name, middle initial, surname, followed by list of degrees/certificates obtained. Separate names with semi-colons.
e.g. John R Smith, BSc, BSc(Pharm), ACPR, PharmD; Jane L Doe, BA, MD, FRCPC

• Write study objectives as a broad statement with more detailed outcome measures described separately.
• Table captions should be above tables
• Figure captions should be below figures
• Limitations should be described in the "Discussion" section
• Conclusions should be succinct and link to your original study objective(s)
• Use bullet points where possible; limit paragraphs and long sentences
• Use same colours, font, and logo as the Powerpoint template; font size can be adjusted as needed
• Poster will be strengthened with inclusion of a statement regarding application to practice

Residency Project Poster Template 2021 Below