Faculty Information webpage


The Island Health Residency Program website features a “Faculty Information” webpage for each preceptor so our program can showcase our most valuable resource - our preceptors.

We ask our preceptors to provide our residency program with information that the preceptor would like to see featured on our website. This information could include:

• Organization Memberships
• Publications
• Faculty Appointments
• Achievements
• Awards Received

New preceptors should download and complete the faculty information template from this page and send this along with a high quality digital photograph to the program coordinator. Some preceptors may prefer a silhouette image appear on their information page rather than an actual photo. If this is the case please notify the residency coordinator indicate your preference in the template. Preceptors are reminded that information you provide in your faculty information template will be accessible to the general public. Generally private information such as a cell phone numbers should not be posted on the website unless the preceptor specifically confirms that they want the number to be publicly available.


To have your faculty information webpage created, follow these steps:

1. Click on the MS Word icon below to download the faculty information template from this webpage
2. Complete the faculty information document. Delete or add sections as needed
3. Send a high quality, high resolution photograph of yourself to the Residency Coordinator or
4. If you prefer a silhouette image to appear on your page please indicate your preference in an email to the Residency Coordinator
5. Send your completed tempate document to the Residency Coordinator

click on icon below to download faculty information template

Faculty Information Template