Process for Determining Pass or Fail Status of a Direct Patient Care Rotation

The bulk of the residency year is comprised of direct patient care rotations. Residents' skills and knowledge are expected to develop longitudinally across these rotations. Residents are expected to consistently exhibit the attitudes and professional behaviour becoming of a healthcare professional throughout the program. 

The table immediately below describes the expected level of performance according to specific time points during the residency program. Please scroll further to see the rubrics used in resident evaluation.

expectations table.jpg


Residents' knowledge and skills are evaluated using rubrics based on Bloom's taxonomy and the Dreyfus Model of Skill Aquisition, respectively. The levels of performance that we expect our residents will progress through are described in the tables below (both taxonomies describe higher levels of performance but residents typically would achieve these levels after completion of a residency).

Determination of Pass or Fail status of Direct Patient Care Rotations

The residency coordinator reviews all program assessments and evaluations over the residency year and communicates with preceptors regarding resident performance.

Residents are expected to meet minimum performance levels for each parameter as outlined in the rotation evaluation/assessment rubric in order to pass the rotation.

The decision regarding a resident passing or failing a rotation is made by the residency coordinator, and not the rotation preceptor. If a preceptor has determined that a resident is not meeting performance expectations for a rotation, the preceptor contacts the residency coordinator early in the rotation so the residency coordinator, resident and residency preceptor can design and implement an action plan to remedy the deficient performance.

The residency coordinator in collaboration with the rotation preceptor will monitor the residents performance for the remainder of the rotation and will support the resident in meeting the performance expectations of the rotation. The tables below show the general approach the residency coordinator takes when reviewing resident assessments of performance for direct patient care rotations.

General Approach to Residency Coordinators Evaluation of Direct Patient Care Rotation Assessment Forms

DPC Pass-Fail Rubric Tables as Graphics 1.png
DPC Pass-Fail Rubric Tables as Graphics 2.png

Residency Coordinator Actions on Completion of a Direct Patient Care Rotation

The residency coordinator reviews the final one45 assessment form for the direct patient care rotation. The residency coordinator then completes the one45 form “Direct Patient Care Rotation - Residency Coordinator Evaluation of Pass/Fail Status 2020”. The residency coordinator will then determine if the resident will be awarded a “Pass”, “Borderline Pass” or “Fail” based upon the above tables. See DPC Residency Coordinator Evaluation of Pass or Fail Status one45 form sections below.

Pass Fail one45 form top cropped.png

Assessment of Category A and B Criteria on one45 form

Pass Fail one45 form category A.png
Pass Fail one45 form category B.png

Based on the performance of A, B and C criteria the Residency Coordinator indicates overall Fail, Borderline Pass or Pass at bottom of assessment form