Intro to One45 and Overview of Evaluation Process


Regular, multi-directional evaluation is core to the Island Health Pharmacy Practice Residency Program. We are a paperless program for the most part, using One45 as our electronic platform for program scheduling and evaluation. Data captured in One45 also provides evidence of achievement of the six residency outcome competencies for each of our residents across the residency year.

All residents and preceptors have a personal “eDossier”, which can be accessed at Your eDossier is where you can view evaluations you still have to complete, evaluations you have previously completed/distributed OR evaluation results. Your eDossier also contains the current rotation schedule and rotation-related documents, such as Rotation Objectives and Activities Documents (ROADs). Residents are also able to document procedures in the Procedure Log section of their eDossier.

For the most part, the evaluation send-outs are automated and tied to the resident rotation schedule. In some instances (e.g. case presentations and journal clubs), evaluations are conducted for a specific activity and are sent out around the time of the activity.

If you do not know your user name or password or have any problems accessing your eDossier, please notify the Program Coordinator.