License To Practice Pharmacy in BC, CSHP Registration & Liability Insurance

BC College of Pharmacists Registration

Registration as a full pharmacist is required for full access to information systems required to deliver patient care and for specific activities during residency rotations, hence you will need to be licensed as a full pharmacist during your residency year.    The process for College registration differs for graduates of the pharmacy program at UBC compared to graduates of pharmacy programs in other Canadian provinces.  Graduates of pharmacy programs outside of Canada should review the application process and requirements of the College of Pharmacists of BC well in advance of the residency year.  

Graduates of The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia (UBC)

Student (UBC) pharmacists may begin completing the required assessments for Full Pharmacist registration in the last year of the pharmacy program. Once all the requirements are complete, the application for Full Pharmacist registration may be submitted.  Graduates must complete registration as a Full Pharmacist before December 31st of your graduating year.   BC College of Pharmacists Registration For UBC Students

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Graduated from the pharmacy program at UBC

  2. Registered as a student pharmacist with the College; and

  3. Successfully complete the College of Pharmacists Jurisprudence Exam.  Examination dates are February, June and October.  You must register to take the exam at least one month prior to the exam date.

  4. Successfully complete the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada Examination (PEBC)

New Graduates of Canadian Pharmacy Programs Outside of British Columbia

You should apply for pre-registration as a pharmacy student in the final year of your pharmacy program.  It takes at least 20 business days to process your pre-registration due to the criminal record check (CRC) process. If adjudication or fingerprinting is required for the CRC, then the processing time will be further extendedBC College of Pharmacists Registration for Graduates of Canadian Pharmacy Programs Outside of BC

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Graduate from your pharmacy program

  2. Preregister with the College at least 2 months prior to the Jurisprudence exam date you plan to take. 

  3. Successfully complete the College of Pharmacists Jurisprudence Exam.  Examination dates are in February, June and October. You must register to take the exam at least one month prior to the exam date.

  4. Successfully complete the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada Examination (PEBC)

registration as temporary limited pharmacist at start of residency

A Resident’s registration as a student pharmacist ceases to exist once they graduate from their pharmacy program. The Resident’s full College registration is not usually granted until the end of July. To maintain registration status until fully licensed, Resident’s are required to register as a “Temporary Limited Pharmacist” with the College of Pharmacists. Follow this link for more information Temporary Limited Pharmacist Registration

canadian society of hospital pharmacists (cshp) membership

Residents are required to maintain a Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) membership during their residency year.

liability insurance

Residents must maintain professional liability insurance throughout their residency year as it is required by the College of Pharmacists of BC of most registration categories.

CSHP offers a discounted rate for professional liability insurance for pharmacy residents. Click here for link to CSHP website with liability insurance information