Residency Program Competencies, Standards, and Requirements

Listed on this page are the SIX competencies and related standards and requirements as set forward by the Canadian Pharmacy Residency Board. These form the basis for our programs's purpose and direction and are consulted on a regular basis.

The full version of the 2010 CPRB Standards can be found here.


3.1 Provide Direct Patient Care as a Member of Interprofessional Teams


The resident shall be proficient in providing evidence-based direct patient care as a member of interprofessional teams. 


  1. The resident shall work respectfully, cooperatively and collaboratively with other health care providers in the provision of direct patient care. 
  2. The resident shall advocate for the patient relating to the meeting of their health-related needs and shall be governed by the patient’s desired outcome of therapy.
  3. The resident shall place a high priority on, and be accountable for, selecting and providing care to patients who are most likely to experience drug-related problems. 
  4. The resident shall: 
    a) establish a respectful, professional, ethical relationship with the patient
    b) demonstrate the ability to reliably prioritize drug-related problems
    c) demonstrate the ability to interview patients or where applicable, their caregivers, in an organized, thorough and timely manner
    d) demonstrate the ability to reliably gather all relevant patient information from appropriate sources (e.g., the health record, other health professionals, patients, caregivers, etc) 
    e) accurately appraise the literature, analyze patient information including physical assessment data, interpret relevant diagnostic tests and apply principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmaceutics to design and document pharmacy patient care plans
    f) demonstrate reliably the ability to proactively communicate healthcare issues to the prescriber and/or patient and to make recommendations to resolve those healthcare issues
    g) demonstrate the ability to proactively monitor drug therapy outcomes and to revise care plans based upon new information
    h) provide continuity of care
    i) demonstrate an ability to routinely communicate care plans both verbally and in writing, using appropriate formats 


3.2 Manage and Improve Medication Use Systems


The resident shall demonstrate a working knowledge of medication use system(s), as well as pharmacy and other care provider roles within the system, in order to manage and improve medication use for individual patients and groups of patients.


  1. The resident shall be able to relate the advantages and limitations of key components of the medication use system with respect to the patient, the department and the organization, including but not limited to unit dose, traditional system, computerized medication administration records, computerized physician order entry, clinical decision-support tools, bedside barcode administration, and intravenous and/or oncology admixture services. 
  2. The resident shall work in cooperation with pharmacy, nursing and medical staff, as well as with other members of the organization’s team, to improve medication use for individual patients and groups of patients. 
  3. The resident shall demonstrate an ability to prepare and dispense medications according to organizational policies and procedures. 
  4. The resident shall demonstrate an ability to identify, analyze and resolve problems relating to a broad range of drug products, medication orders, and drug distribution issues, as evidenced by:
    a) Assessing medication orders for appropriateness using the medication profile, allergy history and patient information available. 
    b) Demonstrating the ability to accurately transcribe a medication order onto the medication profile or health record.
    c) Demonstrating the ability to clarify medication orders with prescribers. 
  5. The resident shall demonstrate a working knowledge of safe medication practices.


3.3 Exercise Leadership


The resident shall apply leadership and management skills to contribute to the goals of the program, department, organization and profession. 


  1. The resident shall demonstrate an understanding of the differences between management and leadership. 
  2. The resident shall apply knowledge of a management principle or area (e.g., organization, human resources, resource utilization, pharmacoeconomics, communications, continuous quality improvement, change management, and/or patient safety) as well as organizational structure (e.g., roles of the pharmacy management team, departments) to complete an activity or project, or to propose a solution to a problem. 
  3. The resident shall demonstrate respect for, pride in and commitment to the profession through both appearance and actions.


3.4 Exhibit Ability to Manage One’s Own Practice of Pharmacy 


The resident shall apply skill in the management of his/her own practice of pharmacy, to advance his/her own learning, to advance patient care, and to contribute to the goals of the program, department, organization and profession. 


  1. The resident shall consistently demonstrate efforts to refine and advance critical thinking, scientific reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, time management, communication, self-directed learning, and team/interprofessional skills that are the hallmarks of practice leaders and mature professionals


3.5 Provide Medication- and Practice-Related Education 


The resident shall effectively respond to medication- and practice-related questions, and educate others. 


  1. The resident shall respond effectively and in a timely manner to medication- and practice-related questions: 
    a) receive drug information requests; 
    b) conduct a literature search systematically; 
    c) critically appraise literature; 
    d) formulate a response; 
    e) communicate, verbally and in writing, responses to requests; 
  2. The resident shall present effective education to a variety of audiences. 
    a) The resident shall organize instructional content, write learning goals and objectives, communicate effectively with a variety of audiences, use instructional media, and self-evaluate when preparing and presenting educational seminars. 
  3. The resident shall demonstrate skill in the four roles used in practice-based teaching: 
    a) direct instruction; 
    b) modeling; 
    c) coaching; and
    d) facilitation 
  4. The resident shall demonstrate scholarly writing skills.


3.6 Demonstrate Project Management Skills 


The resident shall use effective project management skills to undertake, conduct and successfully complete a project related to pharmacy practice. 


  1. The resident shall be involved in project development, data collection, analysis and interpretation. 
  2. The resident shall prepare a written report of the project in a format suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. 
  3. The resident shall present and defend the outcomes of the project.