procedures for evaluation, ranking and admission of qualified applicants


Below is the process used for selection, ranking and admission of successful applicants to our program


 written offer of residency position and written acceptance of offer by resident

When matched with our program, successful applicants are sent a written offer of a residency position. If they intend to accept the offer, they sign and return the document below. If the successful candidate declines the offer then the residency coordinator may offer the position to another ranked, but unmatched applicant.

PHARMACY RESIDENCY TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (Also referred to as return of service contract/agreement)

Incoming residents will be invited to sign the “Pharmacy Residency Training and Employment Agreement” at the beginning of the year. The Residency Program Director will review this document with the residents and invite them to sign during the general orientation week at the beginning of the year. Signing of this document is not mandatory, however there are financial implications for not entering into the agreement.