Island Health Residency Program

Residency Project Vetting RAC Meeting

MAY Residency Advisory Committee meeting instructions for RAC members and Project preceptors

Each May there are two Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) meetings to vet residency project proposals. Project preceptors and incoming residents who have proposed a project will have about 10 minutes to present their project idea to the committee. There will be about 5 minutes for committee members to ask questions.

There will be a one45 form for RAC members to complete for each project. RAC members will need to log into the one45 platform to complete surveys. See link below to one45 login:

RAC members are asked to complete the surveys within 1 week of the RAC meeting. The surveys are anonymous. One the surveys are complete, the residency coordinator will run a report which summarized the survey results for each project. The reports will be provided to the project preceptor. Please see the an image of the survey below.

At the bottom of the evaluation form are questions regarding disposition of the project proposal. Project roposals will be put in one of the following three categories based on a majority of the responses:

1. Accept proposal submission. No further review required. Add to list of projects for residents to choose from.
2. Requires further review by Program Coordinator, who may request revisions due to identified concerns.
3. Reject proposal submission.

one45 survey for each project proposal

RAC members must log into the platform to complete surveys