New Preceptor Orientation

​step 1 for new preceptors:Review residency website

The residency website serves as the residency manual for our program. New preceptors should take some time to explore the website and become familiar with it. On the website you will find:

• Program Policies
• Rotation Schedules
• Learning Goals & Objectives for All Residency Rotations (Rotation Webpages)
• Faculty Information Webpages
• Details Regarding Assessment of Resident Performance and Program Components
• Listings of Program Graduates
• Residency Project Information (Including List of Projects from Previous Years)
• Listings of Resident & Faculty Awards Such as Preceptor of the Year.

If there is information you are looking for on the website, but can't find or have suggestions for additional website content please contact please email the residency coordinator.

step 2 for new preceptors: review expectations of preceptors

As a new preceptor you will need to be aware of Island Health Residency Programs expectations of preceptors.

Preceptors are expected to:

• Maintain expertise in their area of preceptorship.
• Be aware of the licensing status of the resident and excercise appropriate oversight of resident activity.
• Complete all one45 evaluation and assessments forms in a timely manner. All one45 forms are due within one week of receiving them.
• Communicate with the residency coordinator as early as possible in the rotation if the resident is not meeting performance expectations.
• Meet with residents on the first day of the rotation to review the rotation details, the resident’s personal learning objectives for the rotation.
• Set clear expectations for the resident regarding workflow, assignments and responsibilities.
• Take responsibility for ensuring you are familiar with the programs policies and procedures including performance rubrics for resident assessment.

The above list is not complete. Please click on the document below to review Island Health Pharmacy Residency Program's "Expectations of Preceptor" policy.

​step 3 for new preceptors: Documents to Review

click on document to view

step 4 for new preceptors: orientation powerpoint modules

These PowerPoint presentation modules cover specific precepting and orientation topics and take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Each slide has a voice over, so ensure that your sound is turned on.

• New Preceptors Should Watch Modulules 1 to 11
• Module 12 is Optional but Recommended for New Preceptors. Clicking on Module 12 Takes You to The UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Website "Resources for Practice Educators". The recommended Module is "Practice Educator Development Training" Which Consists of Six Parts, With Each Taking About 45 Minutes To Complete for a Total of 4.75 Units. You Will Need to Create an Account on The Site to Log In. There is No Charge for the Module.

click on the module below to view

step 5 for new preceptors: review Assessment form Used for Direct Patient Care Rotations

click on page below to view

step 6 for new preceptors: review assessment rubrics, determination of pass or fail status by residency coordinator & preceptor self-assessment for direct patient care rotations

One45 Assessment forms for Non-Direct Patient Care Rotations

Medication Use Systems Rotation ITAR (In-Training Assessment of Resident) 2020.1  This form is completed by the primary preceptor for the Medication Use Systems preceptor​Medication Use Systems Rotation ITAR (In-Training Assessment of Resident) 2020.1.pdfAcademic Detailing Rotation ITAR (In-Training Assessment of Resident) v2020.1.  This form is completed by the primary preceptor for the Academic Detailing Rotation​​Academic Detailing Rotation ITAR (In-Training Assessment of Resident) v2020.1.pdfMedication Use Management Rotation ITAR (In-Training Assessm​ent of Resident) 2021. This ais the assessment form completed by the preceptor of the Medication Use Management RotationMedication Use Management Rotation ITAR (In-Training Assessment of Resident) 2021.pdf

​Residency Project ITER (In-Training Evaluation of Resident).  This form is completed by the primary preceptor of the resident's project once the project has been completed.​

Residency Project ITER (In-Training Evaluation of Resident).pdf​​​

One45 Self-Assessment Forms for Preceptors and Facilitators

In the spirit of continous quality improvement preceptors and facilitators perfom self assessments and reflect on the rotations, academic sessions or orientation topics they participated in over the previous year.  These forms are usually sent out by the Program Coordinator during the summer following the completion of a residency year cycle, along with resident feedback. Preceptors are asked to complete and submit the self-assessment forms they have received by Sept 15th of the current residency year.  See below for self-assessment forms used by our program.

​Preceptor Self Evaluation & Reflection 2021.  This form is completed by those who have precepted a rotation in the previous year.  This form is due Sept 15th following the summer it was received in.​Preceptor Self Evaluation & Reflection 2021.pdfSession Facilitator Self Evaluation & Reflection 2021.  This form is completed by those who have facilitated an academic session or orientation topic in the previous residency year.  ​Session Facilitator Self Evaluation & Reflection 2021.pdf​​​​​​

Resident Pre and Post Rotation Activities​

Prior to the start of a rotation, the resident is required to document 2 to 4 personal learning objectives for the rotation in One45.  These personal learning objectives appear in the results section of the preceptors One45 dashboard.  Preceptors are required to open up the personal learning objectives document and click the button to acknowledge that it has been read.  Preceptors should review the resident's personal learning objectives with the resident on the first day of the rotation and takes steps help the resident to acheive their personal learning objectives during the rotation.

​After the completion of a rotation, residents make an entry in their One45 procedure log where the reflect on their learning experience.  Preceptors are encouraged to review the residents reflections on learning after the rotation is finished.  Preceptors can access the reflections on learning entries for their rotation in the results section of their One45 dashboard.​

One45 Software Platform

The Island Health Residency Program uses the One45 web-based software platform to document assessments of resident performance and program components. ​