resident’s handbook

resident-coordinator monthly meetings

Type of Document Download Forms & Documents (Click Below)
Resident Monthly Meeting Template (PDF) Resident-Monthly-Meeting-Template-2023.pdf
Resident Monthly Meeting Template (DOCX) Resident-Monthly-Meeting-Template-2023.docx

monthly meeting overview

The Residency Coordinator will meet with each Resident monthly over the residency year. These meetings will occur virtually via zoom. Residents will download the “Monthly Meeting Template” MS Word document and complete the document by the day prior to the meeting date. This document must be emailed to the Residency Coordinator by the day prior to the meeting, or on the Friday before if the meeting is on a Monday.

The "Monthly Meeting Template" includes the agenda for each of meeting, “Residency Project Progress” document, and progress report for the three procedure logs used by our program.

These monthly meeting help keep both Resident and Residency Coordinator on track for the successful completion of the residency year.

During the Monthly Meeting The Following Items Will Be Discussed:

• Status update - Resident wellbeing
• Brief review - most recent rotation completed, current rotation, next rotation
• Any immediate issues that need to be addressed (e.g., with rotation, preceptor, program administration)
• Progress on rotations (Review recent evaluations, discrepancies in evaluations)
• Longitudinal development of the resident (review focus areas for improvement)
• Review accommodation arrangements for any out of town rotations
• Review outstanding One45 forms and One45 forms requiring deletion
• Review progress on One45 procedure logs
• Review individualized Learning Objectives for Program
• Review upcoming milestones
• Review progress on research project

monthly meeting template form