Process for Determining Residency Rotation Pass or Fail for non-direct patient care rotations

The residency coordinator reviews all program assessments and evaluations over the residency year and communicates with preceptors regarding resident performance.  Residents are expected to meet minimum performance levels for each parameter as outlined in the rotation evaluation/assessment rubric in order to pass the rotation.   The decision regarding a resident passing or failing a rotation is made by the residency coordinator, and not the rotation preceptor.   If a preceptor has determined that a resident is not meeting performance expectations for a rotation, the preceptor contacts the residency coordinator early in the rotation so the residency coordinator, resident and residency preceptor can design and implement an action plan to remedy the deficient performance.  The residency coordinator in collaboration with the rotation preceptor will monitor the residents performance for the remainder of the rotation and will support the resident in meeting the performance expectations of the rotation.

Non-Direct Patient Care Rotations Include: Academic Detailing, Leadership-Management, Medication Use Management, Medication Use Systems, Toxicology

How is the pass or fail status of a non-direct patient care rotatiion determined?

After reviewing the in training assessment of the resident’s performance (ITAR) completed by the preceptor of a non-direct patient care rotation the residency coordinator will determine the pass/fail status of the rotation according to the rubric outlined in the table below. The residency coordinator will indicate that the resident achieved either a PASS, BORDERLINE PASS or UNSUCCESSFUL (Fail) outcome by completing the one45 form “Residency Coordinator Determination of Pass/Fail Status for Non-Direct Patient Care Rotations”.

non DPC Rotation Pass or Fail Table as Image.png

Where is the Passing or Failing of a non dpc Rotation Documented?

The residency coordinator will complete a one45 form titled “Residency Coordinator Determination of Rotation Pass/Fail Status” . This form will be used for all non-direct patient care rotations with the exception of orientation, clinical orientation, UBC EBM didactic week, and project weeks.  On the final assessment form the residency coordinator will indicate in this section if the resident has passed or failed the rotation. 

There are three potential outcomes determined by the residency coordinator in this section:
1.  Pass where the resident has met or exceeded performance expectations as per the rubric for the rotation.
2. Pass with focused areas identified for further development (indicated in the comment section).  An individualized learning plan may be required.
3. Fail where the resident did not meet minimum performance expectations to pass the rotation.  A remedial rotation will be required to complete the residency program as outlined in the BC  Residency Standards

Residency Coordinator determination of Pass/Fail Status form

A one45 form titled “Residency Coordinator Determination of Rotation Pass/Fail Status” will be completed by the residency coordinator for all residency rotations with the exception of orientation, clinical orientation, UBC EBM didactic week, and project weeks.

Pass Fail one45 form non-DPC as Image.png