Research Project Timeline

A residency project begins as a research idea, usually before the residency year even begins, and undergoes a rigorous process of development and refinement to come to fruition. The anticipated path for a residency project is depicted above and described below.



Solicitation of project ideas

  • Program Coordinator sends out a request for project ideas to all potential preceptors

  • Potential preceptors are encouraged to contact the Program Coordinator for any assistance required in developing potential project ideas into a project proposal



Submission of project ideas

  • Project preceptors are requested to submit project proposals for preliminary review by Program Coordinator

  • Project proposals are circulated to Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) members for review prior to a project vetting meeting



Presentation of project proposals to RAC

  • Project preceptors are requested to give a short (5-10 minute) presentation on their proposed projects to the RAC and respond to any questions

  • RAC members  provide comments and/or recommended revisions to project preceptors and vote on viability of project proposals 



Residents review project list

  • Program Coordinator provides list of projects that have been confirmed by RAC to be viable

  • Residents have 4 weeks to investigate projects further. Direct contact with individual preceptors is encouraged

  • Residents provide ranked list of projects to Program Coordinator 



Project assignment

  • Program Coordinator applies resident ranking to determine project assignment

  • Project assignment is communicated to preceptors and residents



Initiation of project

  • First of the dedicated project weeks is usually scheduled near the beginning of the residency year

  • Residents meet with representatives from Island Health Research and Capacity Building (e.g. Research Ethics Coordinator, Statistician ) as part of project orientation

  • Work on project background and methodology begins



Submission for research ethics approval

  • Review process is time-consuming and beyond the control of the resident and preceptors. Residents are encouraged to allow for up to 8 weeks for this process.



 Presentation to RAC

  • Presentation of background and methodology to RAC



Data collection

  • Ethics and operational approvals typically granted around the beginning of October

  • Implementation of project methodology and initiation of data collection


November 1st 

Deadline for projects identified as unlikely to be completed

  • By this date, project preceptors should identify projects which are not likely to be completed in the residency year. Pending a review to determine the cause of the delay, the student may be asked to identify a new project. There should be firm plans to begin data collection at this time.



Data analysis and formulation of conclusions

  • Analyze data formulate conclusions based on study results

  • Begin preparation of project poster, using provided template

  • Preceptor review of poster



BC Pharmacy Practice Residency project presentation

  • Submit project poster for printing ~7 business days before BC Pharmacy Practice Residency Research Event

  • Create and rehearse oral presentation material 

    • 5 minutes in duration (no this is not a typo)

    • Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion

  • Attend BC Pharmacy Practice Residency Research Event (typically the 3rd Thursday in May)



Local project presentation and defense

  • Formal poster display and evaluation

  • 15 min presentation to local interdisciplinary audience with additional time for Q&A (evaluated)


June - July

Submission of Final Manuscript (Deadline: within 30 days of last day of residency)

  • Submitted to Program Coordinator following review and approval from primary project preceptor

  • Format as per requirements of CJHP or similar peer-reviewed journal

  • Reviewed and completion confirmed by Program Coordinator



Submission for CSHP Pharmacy Practice Residency Award (Deadline: end of August)

Pharmacy residents are strongly encouraged to submit their projects for the provincial Pharmacy Practice Residency Award. Information on award submissions can be found at the CSHP-BC Branch website (