Wang, Ying, B.Sc. Pharm
Residency Program
Project Title
Prescribing Portraits to Optimize PPI Prescribing in Long-Term Care: PPI-T Stop Study
Tejani, Aaron M (BSc(Pharm), PharmD), Spence, Lori (BSc. Pharm); Tung, Anthony (BSc. Pharm, ACPR, BCPS, MBA); Bubbar, Carolyn (BSc. Pharm, ACPR, PharmD)
The long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is associated with harm, especially in the elderly; yet a previous evaluation in Lower Mainland residential care facilities suggests that many residents taking PPIs do not have a documented or evidence-based PPI indication. The purpose of this quality improvement study is to develop a process for constructing personalized PPI prescribing portraits as a form of audit and feedback, and to evaluate whether these prescribing portraits result in the appropriate and successful deprescribing of PPIs among Lower Mainland long-term care residents.