
Regehr, Kristin, BSc, PharmD

Residency Program


Project Title

Implementation of a Pharmacist-Managed Penicillin Allergy Delabelling Service at a Major Canadian Teaching Hospital ​(Rx-PADS)


Aulakh, Amneet (PharmD, ACPR​) and Lau, Tim T.Y. (PharmD, ACPR, FCSHP), Grant, Jennifer (MDCM, FRCPC​), Mak, Raymond (MD, FRCPC)


Penicillin allergies are widely over-reported, highly inaccurate and associated with negative outcomes for patients and the health care system. Patients who require alternative therapy due to penicillin allergies are at greater risk of adverse effects, developing antibiotic resistance, treatment failure and longer hospitalizations. Currently, there are missed opportunities for managing and delabelling penicillin allergic patients at VGH. The purpose of this project is to implement a pharmacist-led allergys delabelling service and study the impact of this intervention on accessibility and safety of delabelling services.

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