General Orientation Week Topics
Topics covered this week are evaluated using the One45 Resident Evaluation of General Orientation Form
1. Orientation to Pharmacy Department & Organizational Structure (click on image to enlarge)
2. Orientation to Sites where you will be completing rotations
Residency rotation sites (click on link to view sites)
3. orientation to rotation, academic half day & residency event schedules
2021-2022 Rotation Schedule
academic half day schedule
out of town rotations
Residents will be scheduled for a minimum of one out of town rotation in either Duncan, Nanaimo or Campbell River
Residents are responsible for locating and booking their accommodation required for out of town rotations. These bookings must be made well in advance of the rotation date
The cost of accommodation for our of town rotations are covered by the pharmacy department. There are several methods available for paying for room bookings.
Residents can pay for the booking on their personal credit card and submit a request for reimbursement to Debra Engen Employee Expense Claim Form
Residents can forward and invoice for payment to Debra Engen who will then arrange cheque payment of the invoice or
The program coordinator can pay for the accommodation using a health region expense credit card
5. Orientation to hours of work, vacation, sick time, procedure for unexpected absence & employee benefits
Salary, Benefits, Vacation & Leave (Click on link)
Obtaining proxy cards & photo ID
employee self service (epay, vacation, confirmation of employment letters, etc)
6. Communication with program administrators and meetings with residency coordinator
Throughout the residency year the residents meet monthly with the program coordinator to review the following topics:
Resident performance during most recently completed rotations (Review One45 ITARs - final and midpoints)
Resident progress on residency research project, residency research night & project poster
Upcoming and completed residency milestones such as UBC Summer Didactics, BC Wide case presentation, management leadership project, comprehensive oral assessment
Residents will complete and submit the following documents to the residency coordinator the day before the meeting
resident-coordinator monthly meeting agenda template (microsoft word document)
vip procedure log progress report 2017 (microsoft word document)
residency research project progress report 2019 (microsoft word document)
7. orientation to academic half days (Therapeutic Discussions & Leadership management sessions)
8. Orientation To Professionalism, cultural safety & confidentiality within island health authority
Information Stewardship, Access & Privacy (ISAP)
Learning Management System (creating user id & password)
sanyas cultural safety training
Confidential Information Management (CIM) Code of Practice Learning Module
All Island Health employees are required to read and sign the Island Health Confidentiality Acknowledgement (Click on link below to download PDF)