Pediatric psychiatry - with a focus on mental health and substance use

victoria general hospital

Rotation Details Rotation Specific Information
Rotation Type Elective - Direct Patient Care (DPC)
Rotation Duration 4 Weeks
Rotation Locations Victoria General Hospital
Click to Download ROAD for All DPC Rotations as PDF All-Direct-Patient-Care-Rotations-2022.pdf

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rotation description

The clinical rotation in pediatric psychiatry provides the pharmacy resident with training and experience in various aspects of child & adolescent psychiatry (with a focus on mental health and substance use). The rotation is based at Victoria General Hospital (VGH) as well as the Ledger Building (Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health). Consults from various outpatient programs may also occur.

The VGH interdisciplinary crisis team consists of a clinical pharmacy specialist, child & adolescent psychiatrists, psychiatric and registered nurses, child and youth counsellors, mental health workers, social worker, child life specialists, and learners (ex. UBC medical students, psychiatry residents, pharmacy residents, student nurses). Consultation to other services such as pediatrics, pediatric intensive care, addictions medicine, and dietetics also occurs.

The Ledger Building is divided into three units (Children’s Unit, Youth Unit, and Special Care Unit). The team consists of a clinical pharmacy specialist, child & adolescent psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, child and youth counsellors, mental health workers, occupational therapists, speech & language therapist, psychologists, social workers, and learners (ex. UBC medical students, psychiatry residents, pharmacy residents, student nurses). Consultation to other services also occurs.


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ROTATION specific Learning GOALS AND OBJECTIVES & Rotation description

Rotation Goals & Objectives Common to All direct patient care rotations